
Vs. An Essential for Enjoyable Moments: Tea

Written by TR Editör

Tea, a guest of poets and writers from past to present, is defined as a “soul bath” by the famous poet Peter Altenberg. This magical drink continues to be a guest of tables and a partner sharing enjoyable moments with people all around the world for centuries.


An adventure from breakfast to evening chats: Turkish Tea. Turks met with the tea plant later, and it is now considered the elixir of life, so to speak. Tea with a significant place in Turkish culture, is steeped in double teapots or in samovars on wood fire. Tea served in slender fine glasses should have the colour “rabbit blood” which is ideal. Tea seeds were planted in Bursa in 1888 for the first time but did not yield the expected result. In 1917, tea was planted in the Eastern Black Sea Region and it gave its first shoots and this is how Turkey’s relation with “tea” that has been going on for decades, began.


The Chinese who presented the world cuisine with tea, still maintain their traditional tea culture. Tea became an essential after Emperor Shen Nog accidentally dropped a tea leaf in boiling hot water, and after this coincidence, it has become indispensable for humanity for thousands of years. Green tea with an important place in Chinese culture, is brewed more than once instead of being consumed immediately after brewing, and people drink it afterwards. The reason for brewing green tea more than once is it giving a different flavour each time it is brewed. Green tea is served with teapots and bowls made from the Chinese “yixing” clay. The Chinese value enjoying tea, so they drink tea in a calm, clean environment with fresh air.


The English people who consume tea as a ritual, are famous in the world with “five o’clock tea”. The story of five o’clock tea, traditionalised by King Edward is as follows: the British used to eat only two meals: breakfast and dinner. King Edward asked for arrangement of five o’clock tea parties as a side meal both for the exhausted Bedford Duchess Anna to consume some food as well as to create a chat environment. Over time, this ritual was recognized and spread throughout the country, gaining a place in British culture. Today English tea with a rich variety can optionally be consumed with milk. Tea in porcelain cups are served with sandwiches and sweet cookies.

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TR Editör

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